We are happy to announce that our baby Iris.ai has taken another little step – this time bringing our free users some new useful features we believe will make lives a bit easier.
We are introducing Bookmarks and History, which require being logged in with an (entirely free, forever!) Account in order to use.
You know that feeling as you move through a map you have created, and you find just the paper you need – but just want to save it to read for later? We have you covered – bookmark it and you will find it again to download directly in the reading list in your dashboard. You can also save full maps, when you create a good one.
Researching a problem is a process, and we realise keeping track of where you have been and what you have seen is not always easy. You can now visit your dashboard to review all the maps you have created and all the papers you have opened. We have now got you covered so you can retrace your steps from your dashboard.
There is always more than meets the eye in these releases, and Iris.ai 3.0 does not only come with new front end features but she has gotten a solid algorithm upgrade too. New and improved data models, better tuning, some new neural network algorithms replacing older off-the-shelf components; we’re quite pleased with the results and while not as visible as the frontend we hope you will be, too.
Sign up now – it is free, and will always be.