In times like these, when the political system shows worrying signs of potentially crumbling down, with polarisation at record highs, old and new corruption scandals making headlines, and once-promising, fresh political parties increasingly cornered into near-irrelevance, reading Civio’s 2022 report feels like a small, tranquil oasis.
And it is not because its coverage and data-based investigative journalism is an ode to civic retreat or disengagement. Far from it, the organisation’s efforts to communicate its activity during the past year to its backers and the wider public is in fact a deceivingly optimistic call to reengagement. Granted, done in a different way.
Civio’s work conveys an independent sense of perspective. In my –quite possibly biased– view, it represents a systematic search for signals amidst an increasingly deafening level of noise. One avoiding partisan trenches, committed to finding out objective truths to raise the bar of our shared understanding of the common space we all live in: our society.
If you haven’t read it yet, here is a link to the just-published management report where you can reach your own conclusions.