Three years ago, when Covid locked us indoors sine die, I started to be more methodical about my writing than previously. I have always enjoyed writing –fiction, non-fiction, in English and Spanish–, but attempts at introducing structure into a single work have ebbed and flowed since my late teens.
By introducing structure, I simply mean developing a sensible work-plan
, finding a routine that works, and setting a bit of time aside every day –after work in weekdays, in the mornings on weekends– to resume where I left off. Consistently, every single day, without exceptions.
This month, I felt, for the first time, that after that long spell, I had something that could be considered as a finished first draft. A book that could at least be shared with a limited number of people –a very reduced number of friends with whom I share certain interests, education-related and beyond– to gather their feedback and consider making edits, big or small.
My goal is not –has never been– to approach writing as a career. But rather an activity that adds a dimension to who I am and who I want to continue to evolve into. In line with being an entrepreneur, someone able to produce work meaningful bridging the –now almost infamous due to its association with Peter Thiel– ‘zero to one’ gap.
I hope to have a more thorough update on where this little project goes in the end over the coming few months!